NNL East 24 -- Show Results

NNL East - Official Press Release

The Tri-State Scale Model Car Club is proud to announce the results of NNL East 24, April 17, 2010 in Wayne, New Jersey. We would like to thank our sponsors, vendors and participants who made our first year in the new facility the best NNL East ever!  Everyone came together in the great spirit of sharing the hobby to make NNL East 24 a great success! Thank you all for another great year!

Show Hall

The New Display Hall.  120 tables in 10,500 square feet... that's four times the space in a typical suburban home! 

Due to the size of NNL East, we no longer provide attendance numbers or count the models!

$1 for each attendee is donated to the International Model Car Builders Museum through our "Grow The Hobby" Fund.

Danbury Mint Ala Kart

Danbury Mint  1969 Nova 350 SS

How could you not buy a ticket??? Thank you to Mary Rose Orlans for running the raffle!

Raffle to Benefit the Internationl Model Car Builders Museum   $223

Many Thanks To: Danbury Mint For Sponsoring The Raffle
Victor Collins

Total Raised To Benefit The International Model Car Museum: $2010

NNL East 24 People's Choice Awards:

NNL East is not a contest. People's Choice Awards are chosen by popular vote ballot. The intent of an NNL event is to take the focus off of competition, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie and sharing of idea and techniques. Many great friendships start at NNL East!

The John Slivoski Award

1955 Chevy Nomad

Anthony Rios,  La Puente, California

Best In Show

Best In Show

Best In Show

Show Theme "Back To The Future - Cars of the 80s"

1986 Toyota Supra 

David Best,  Manlius, New York

Best Theme

Show Sub-Theme "What's The Ute"

1960 Ford Ranchero

John Dell'Osa,  Springfield, Pennsylvania

Best subtheme

Best Subtheme

Special Web Theme

1932 Ford

David Best,  Manlius, New York

Best Sub-Theme

Best Web Theme

Best Junior Award

1963 Pontiac Tempest

Alex Forester,  Baltimore, Maryland

Best Junior

Best Junior

Joe Cavorley Award
For The Model Joe Would Have Appreciated Most

Lumber Toter

Ken Hamilton, Cape May, New Jersey

Joe Cavorley Award

Joe Cavorley Award

The Official NNL East Photo Album:

It's a virtual model car show! Nearly 2,000 photos from NNL East 24!

Click Here To Go To Photo Album

NNL East Sponsor List
Bradley's Car Collectibles Danbury Mint
Bob Dudek Grandpa's Toys
Historic Racing Miniatures Mark S. Gustavson
GSL Model Car Championship   International Model Car Builders Museum
 Golden Bell Press Kalmbach Publishing
Scale Auto Enthusiast Car Modeler Annual
FineScale Modeler Model Car Garage
Model Cars Magazine  The Modelhaus
Replicas and Miniatures Company of Maryland
Scale Repros Plus

Thank You To Everyone Who Made NNL East 24 Great!

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Email us at:  nnleast@aol.com